Soil Recipe-2: Jeevamrut means one solution and many benefits

hari5-Now it is just a Hope! 10 days from now.... I am going to Hop!

Pic: Hariram P S

It’s hard to come across an organic gardener who has not heard of Jeevamrut. The ingredients needed for this are easy to source and it’s easy to prepare, too. The following recipe is being republished verbatim from Soil Recipes authored by Goa-based organic farmer Isa Alvares and published by The Organic Farming Association of India.





Add 10 kg cow dung, 5 lts. of cow urine, 1 kg black jaggery, 1kg lentil powder, handful of soil in 200 lts. of water. First lentil powder and jaggery are mixed and then cow dung is added.


For a liquid foliar spray. Apply 5% to 10% in water, and for soil, use 100-200 lts. per acre during irrigation. According to growth of the crop and convenience one can use it once at an interval of 7 – 15 days.

Spray during dawn or dusk on any crop, for promoting growth, flowering and yield increase.

Please note:  Soil Recipes is a useful how-to-do-it manual of soil nutrition and maintenance authored by Goa-based organic farmer ISA ALVARES and published by The Organic Farming Association of India (OFAI). Endlessly Green is happy to republish these recipes.

The recipes, as the author says, have been “vetted and verified by experienced organic farmers” belonging to OFAI. They not only “enable the soil to re-stock its populations of beneficial soil microbes”, but also help “control disease…”

If you have queries, please write to: Soil Vasu (P Srinivas Vasu), or

15 thoughts on “Soil Recipe-2: Jeevamrut means one solution and many benefits

  1. Hi, I came across your website while researching about Jeevamrut. I am from Pune and have a product in the market know as ‘Pruthviraj Jeevamrut Filter’. This product is useful for filtration of Jeevamrut to be able to feed Jeevamrut through Drip Irrigation system. If your company is using Jeevamrut as fertilizer our product can prove to be very useful to you. You may check my details on


    • Dear Mr Vaidyanathan, I discussed this with expert SOIL Vasu and this is what he said: It’s better to use Jeevamrut solution right after it’s ready. Any solution that has alive microbes should not be kept for a long time. Unlike Panchagavya, this one does not have ghee in it which will actually keep the microbes kicking for a longer time. Longer storage also means loss of nutritional value for the plants. Hope it helps.


  2. Hi! Very impressed with your site. Just a little doubt. What is the storage life of jeevamrutham concentrate if stored in airtight bottles?


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