Efficient & cost-effective 3-tier Ebony home composter: stack up, feed, harvest & grow!

Here goes our new three-tier composter: EBONY. We named it so because ‘black’ has been the flavour of seasons for quite sometime now.

I will simply put out its salient features and I am sure that itself will speak for volumes. 


First things first: Ebony fabric containers are crafted out of a material derived from recycled PET bottles. That lends this composter a very high eco-friendly quotient.

Ebony comes with three such containers with lids. These containers sit on three separate stands. Four rods have to be inserted into the two loops each stitched on all the four sides of the square-shaped container. Finally, the same rod runs down into the pointed edge of the stand. Both the stand and the rods are made of powder-coated MS steel. 

LIGHT-WEIGHTED: Once you fix the first container, move on to assemble the remaining two. The entire three-setter composter is very light, easy to assemble and dismantle, harvest and even cure. Check out the assembly video here.

360° AERATION: If not for this feature, Ebony would be just another composter with excess moisture leaking out and maggots crawling out of it constantly. The fabric containers allow ample aeration all around. Within a day or two after you fill up the container, you will see the substrate leaving the sides and temperature building up nicely. The aeration aids rise in temperature and together, they eliminate the typical composting woes. Right after 10 days, we recorded 57°C which is remarkable given the fact that the pile inside the container is hardly one cubic foot. In our Instagram handle, we have posted the important stages of the trial. Do follow us @https://www.instagram.com/endlessly_green/ for regular updates and tips on how best you can make use of this composter.

CAPACITY: Total capacity is 105 litres; meaning, each container is of 35 litres capacity. When filled all at once, all the three containers together took 70 kg of input (cocopeat and kitchen waste at 1:3 ratio by volume). When you feed it day by day, then it will take in some more. 

DIMENSIONS: Ebony height is 50” and width is 12”. For a person of average height, filling the topmost container is not an issue.  

SPACE MANAGEMENT: This composter allows vertical space management. Many of our customers, especially those residing in Mumbai, wanted one that can be placed in their small balcony. We took their feedback and designed this one which can be stacked up one above the other. 


Assemble the composter as explained above. In the topmost container, add a thick layer of cocopeat followed by a layer of shredded kitchen waste at 1:3 ratio. Cover it with some more cocopeat to avoid fruit flies hovering over the composter. Sprinkle Excelerator compost culture from Endlessly Green to speed up the process. The top layer must always be covered with cocopeat. You can fill this container up to the rim. Place the lid and let the magic begin. Rearrange the containers, bring the middle one up and put the top one down. Repeat the process till all the 3 containers are full. Watch this video to view all the four stages of the trial: Ebony trial.

SPRINKLE WATER: Due to ample air flow and heat build-up, the substrate keeps drying up. Keep sprinkling water every now and then. If it dries up fully, then microbial action comes down and the process comes to a halt.

HARVEST: Thanks to the light-weighted containers, harvesting is as easy as it gets. Check out the videos in our YouTube channel. 

CURE: Once you harvest, check if the compost needs to be moistened. Mix it thoroughly and then fill it back into the same container for curing. 

Tips: For faster composting, always mix the kitchen waste, cocopeat and Excelerator. This method gives better results than layering. Second, always cut the kitchen scraps into smaller pieces to increase the surface area of the particle. The larger the food particle, the slower the speed of the process. That said, do not grind the waste in a mixer grinder. That will be a huge mess!

EXCESS MAGGOTS?: This composter was not designed to ward off maggots which are an essential part of the composting ecosystem. However, to my surprise, I did not see one larva in two batches I have brought out. Many of our customers switched to Eva after trying composters from other vendors mainly because they could not handle excess maggots crawling out of their composter. Some had even stopped composting. Given this scenario, you would rather have a customer who says no to excess maggots than those who give up on composting altogether. 

COMPOST TEA / LEACHATE: Forget dripping down, the bottom of the containers was fully dry even when the active stage of the process was at its peak! The added benefit is no nutrition loss. 

FASTER COMPOSTING: After the first trial, we harvested the compost exactly after one month with more than 6-% reduction in its volume. We realised that we could have taken it out earlier and that’s exactly what we did in the second trial. All in all, you will need not more than three weeks to process. Harvest it, moisten it, sieve it if you can or just take our large semi-composted clumps and transfer them to the next batch. Put back the fine compost for curing. Another 10-15 days and your compost is ready to use. Make sure you never let it go dry. 

BAD ODOUR: Both trials were conducted in two different spots where aeration was not that great. Even then, the whole process went on beautifully well without any issues including odour. So rest assured on that front.

HIGH ON COMFORT FACTOR: Made of 100% recycled PET bottles, the cloth containers have been specially designed and manufactured to suit the composting process. We got multiple fabric samples manufactured to get the thickness right. Our initial trials failed because the cloth was either too thick or too thin. Each container sits separately on its stand and hence, you will not be hassled by leachate leaking from the top container to the one below. 

Together with the beautifully and practically designed stand, Ebony makes composting an easy task, especially for beginners and those who cannot handle maggots and leaky containers.

SUPER-CLEAN CONTAINERS: Thanks to all the rookie-friendly features, Ebony containers remain dry and clean both inside and outside. I got comments from various followers on both Instagram and Facebook who were surprised to see the clean containers even after curing. Even the bottom of the containers remained dry to touch throughout. 

THE LEARNING: Composting doesn’t have to be a messy affair always!

THE EBONY KIT: The kit contains three containers with three lids, three stands, 650-700gm of cocopeat and a sample pack of Excelerator. Check out this unboxing video.

INTRODUCTORY PRICE: Rs 3,850, inclusive of 12% GST and shipping charges. 

To buy, please visit the SHOP section on our website www.endlesslygreen.in or, send a message to 9686862946. 

Ebony Home Composter is designed, manufactured and marketed by Endlessly Green: Solid Waste Management Solutions.

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